Monday, July 1, 2013

Crispy Coconut Chicken Recipe

Caitlyn's Crispy Coconut Chicken Recipe

A few years ago i worked in a restaurant who served a Coconut Chicken. I have attempted to google the recipe on several occasions and never been able to find anything similar. So i set myself a task to recreate this delicious dish from what i could remember by taste / look and smell..... 

I have recreate something that i believe has a better zing and so simply delicious

Please note that this recipe will need to be adjusted to the number you are catering for and your taste.

Recipe Serves 2.


3-4 generous hands of Rocket (Fresh if available)
1/2 of Red Onion
1/2 Avocado
1 Lemon
2 eggs 
3 Cups of Desiccated coconut 
1/2 - 1 Cup of Grated coconut
300-500grm of Chicken Breast. You will need roughly 4 strips per person, depending on meal size. 
3 tbl sp of Honey
1/2 tsp of Soy Sauce
4 tbl sp of Sweet Chilli sauce.


Crack the 2 eggs in a small bowl and lightly whisk. Place aside.

Mix both types of coconut together on a plate ready for chicken to be rolled into. Set aside.

Finely slice your onion and avocado. Make your salad with rocket and add your onion and avocado ready for your chicken.

Cut chicken into long strips, roughly 2cm wide. When you get to the thicker part of breast, cut strips in half long ways so they are roughly 2cm in width both ways. 

Roll the chicken strips into the egg and then coat with coconut mixture. Set aside and wait for the oil to heat up. 

Heat oil in deep fryer, fry pan or wok. Any method of cooking is fine, this is a personal preference. Once oil is hot, fry the chicken until cooked, brown and chunky. 

While your chicken is cooking, make your sauce. 

In a small jug or bowl, mix the honey, sweet chilli and soy sauce. Cut lemon in half and squeeze a LITTLE amount of juice in. Taste and add more lemon if required. Grate a little zest in there as well for the zing! 


If you haven't already, plate your salad, grate a little zest over your salad and squeeze a little more lemon juice. 

Once your chicken is brown and crispy, transfer onto a plate with paper towel to suck up excess oil. 

Bring your chicken onto your salad and drizzle with dressing. Don't be shy with this, the more the better! 


So there you have it, my crispy coconut chicken recipe. 
Do me a favour and tell me your thoughts!! 

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Until next time!

Yours in style,

Caitlyn Hewitt

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